Home >> Search by Category >> General Studies(67)
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No. Image Title/Pub.Year Author Publisher Language
25 The Vanguard /A Tale of Korea/1904

hard cover,320 pages.illustrated with photographs. An excellent early Korean mission work by a long time resident. A portrait of Korea at the turn of the century from a Missionary's point of view; a valuable document.
James S.Gale Fleming H.Revell Company,New York English

23 An Official Guide to Eastern Asia volume 1. MANCHURIA & CHOSEN(KOREA) /1913

hard cover, 350 pages. first edition. A very rare early guidebook to Manchuria and Chosen (Korea) published when both were under Japan's control. To be precise, there are 95 illustrations and 19 maps (including the scarce folding General Map of Eastern Asia in the rear pocket of the book). Also includes a language section containing English, Russian, Chinese and Japanese Russian vocabulary and phrases for the traveller.
The Imperial Japanese Government Railways,Tokyo .. English

17 COREA e COREANI(parte 2)/1905

Paperback,231 pages. Illustarted with 212 photographs/graphics. This book is volume 2 of the title in 2 volumes. First and only edition.Volume 1 was published in 1904 in Italy A nice general study on Korea at the end of 19th century and the begining of the 20th century.
Carlo Rossetti Bergamo,Italy Italian

11 LA COREA e La Guerra Cino-Giapponse/1895

Paperback, 278 pages. 37 illustrations and a large fold map in colurs. A good study on Korea and The Russo-Japanese War at the end of the 19th century. Focused on Political Situations ,Costume and Social Condition of Korea.
E.V.Hesse-Wartegg Ulrico Hoepli,Milano Italian

7 Korean Sketches/1899

Hard cover,256 pages.cloth, with 18 b w photos, 2 figures. An important primary source on Korea and her Christian work, by a long time resident American Presbyterian missionary at Wonsan. Gale wrote this work, after some nine years work in the little known country. A lucid commentary on Korean life and character, based on intimate association. Giving a correct picture of the Hermit people, covering his first impressions, the coolie, the Yalu and beyond, from poverty to riches, Korean pony, across Korea, Korean boy, New Year, the Korean mind, gentlemen, present conditions, mission work etc. This is a highly reliable work, based on keen observations.
James S.Gale Fleming H.Revell Company,New York English

6 Korea und die Koreaner/1913

hard cover, 295 pages. fold out map.illustrated with photographs. 1913 first edition.Costumes, Manners, Monks, Relations with Japan, Administration, Trade, Education and other aspects of Korean life.
Haegeholz Wilhelm Steinkopf, Stuttgart in Germany German

5 Korea/1904

hard cover,315 pages. Although a description of the customs and history of the Korean people,there is an emphasis upon international rivalries in Korea as of 1903-1904.The appendices provide information on trade and natural resources. (Annotation is based on the KOREA,Library of Congress ,1950)
Angus Hamilton Charles Scribner's Sons,New York English

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